In the woods of Haltiala, about 1.5 h, +5ºC/+41ºF

28.3.2014, in the morning

It's much colder than I expected. I had the almost ideal conditions of the session couple of days ago in my mind when I got here, but the ground is icy and sun cannot penetrate the forest very well. I choose a spot and start to sit. After a while my body begins to shiver, but I continue to sit. Maybe after 20 minutes I stand up and drink the coffee I have with me.

I move couple of meters into a sunnier place and put all my clothes on me. I can feel how the coldness starts to dissolve little by little. At some point – maybe after 20–25 minutes – I notice the play of lights and shadows in my sight. I also notice the noise coming from an airplane. I feel concentrated. I keep my eyes closed, but I see a small dot in front of me. It changes its color from dark to bright. My mind is contented and empty. When I open my eyes, I feel that I can see all the details around me precisely.

In the end of the session I’m thinking that maybe we can feel contentment only if we visit now and then in the bottom of the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Somehow I start to feel unaddressed anger because of this. There is some kind of thought that we humans do not understand what is good for us. I’m a little bit amazed because of this strong emotion. Why I feel anger? I sit for a while with these feelings. They melt away and I start to feel cold again, so, I decide to stop.


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