
I went again to the woods of Nuuksio for a one night retreat.

The insight I got from this trip was an experienced understanding about my contradictory aims on these kinds of retreats: I understood that I was seeking two different things at once and because of this, I had contradictory feelings and sensations.

The first aim was to explore the effects of sitting outside alone. Especially, when the sun is going down, the environment starts to take grip on me. Different kinds of worrying and scary thoughts starts to emerge. This part of my experience exists also during the day, but in a lighter way. In the evening the sensations and thoughts starts to strengthen. This effect of the context of nature produces tightness in my belly and an urge to look often, is there something or someone behind me. I feel alive, alert and ready to jump up.

The second aim of mine was to explore the more subtle and deeper mind states produced by meditation and the transitions into these stages. This happens after I'm relaxed and calm and I'm able to "surrender" to my experiences. For example, if I notice an image in my mind or a peculiar sensation, the mind state is sometimes changing just by observing and holding my focus on the noticed thing. After that different kinds of joyful, tranquil or serene mind states are possible to achieve.

The experienced understanding I got from this retreat was that it seems to be impossible to gain both of these goals fully with this setup. It might be possible to relax more, if I could be longer in the woods. One night seems to be too short time for that.

The second possibility is to sit in the nature without the worrying effects of it. That could be possible with some meditation company or in a more familiar place, e.g. in a summer cottage. Now the summer is coming and I'm think that I'm going to try something like this. (After this retreat, I tested to sit by the lake in our summer cottage, and the experience was relaxing and pleasant, so, the context seems to have quite big effect on the activity of mind. )

9.4.2014, +1º-7ºC/34º-45ºF

Experimenting with images

Because I had a discussion the day before about images as gateways into the deeper mind states, my intentions were towards different kinds of images and visions. Here are some excerpts about this theme from my diary:

Suddenly I feel my mind getting sharper when I notice the play of sunlight between the shadows of the trees bending themselves in the wind. I see some kind of ring. It looks like a brain synapse or particles spinning in a hadron collider. There’s couple of brighter spots here and there but the rest of the figure is like some kind of organic material. It is pulsating bright lights. I notice that I have turned my head a little, and when I straighten it, the image disappears.

When I open my eyes I see a branch of a spruce which reminds a dog muzzle. I feel the image somehow “familiar”. I don’t remember thoughts or images of dogs, but some kind of coming back feeling or familiarity comes into my mind. I decide to “open up” to the images of dogs. My sight is black and empty, but while I keep the idea of a dog in my mind, I feel concentrated and my mood is pleasant.

I see myself erecting a big army tent in the woods. I’m holding a tent pole. I remember the thoughts about images as gateways and I focus on this image of me holding a tent pole. Immediately it feels like I’m diving into some kind of dark and deep matter. I’m very concentrated but I might be a little too delighted/excited because the mind state vanishes quickly. 

Bodily sensations

I noticed some tension in my stomach almost in every sitting. Here are some excerpts considering these sensations:

The sun is going down. My mind is serene but also alert/worried at the same time. The sunset is definitely affecting my mind state. I notice that my stomach is tight. Somewhere above my belly button there is an area which is like a big tight knot. When I observe it, the knot seems to loosen up little by little. Now and then a new sound or a worrying thought tightens it again. 

It is dark. It’s nice to sit even I observe most of the time the tight spots in my stomach. At some point there is also an uncomfortable sensation around my heart. I continue over a phase where I’m thinking to stop sitting. A smile or grin pops up and a thought comes into my mind: “Everything is OK.” I continue to repeat this sentence. Afterwards I have a feeling that an image of a water bottle is connected with this thought. I continue to sit and notice that my stomach is tense again. I smile and contract my stomach muscles instinctively. I start to tremble. (This happens me now and then when I sit. It’s similar trembling than in TRE.) The shaking is so strong that I get worried about the sounds I’m making. The flashlight hanging on my neck is tinkling against the zipper of my sleeping bag. What if someone comes and hears this? And sees me? I stop the trembling for a while but let it start again. I let it continue for a while. Then I decide that it’s time to go to sleep.

7.4.2014, In the morning

Cold session. Somehow it felt like I was carrying the worries and discontent which were weighting as much as the boulder behind my back. Didn't want to write my experiences and memories down from this session. Maybe I should have.


Because I was so frozen last time I took my sleeping bag with me. It’s comfortable to sit here. I can feel how cold the air is. My ears feels cold so I put my head also into the sleeping bag. I think for a while how much the sensations steer our thoughts. Now I have comforting thoughts about the surroundings, but last time when I was shaking from the cold I had harsher thoughts and I was more disappointed about everything. That time nature around me felt cruel and insensitive.

In the end of the session I open my eyes and see a man walking down the hill. I notice that I’m a bit frightened. I notice my heart is beating fast. Somehow the surprise makes me worried and quailed. After a while my bodily sensations are leveling again.

28.3.2014, in the morning

It's much colder than I expected. I had the almost ideal conditions of the session couple of days ago in my mind when I got here, but the ground is icy and sun cannot penetrate the forest very well. I choose a spot and start to sit. After a while my body begins to shiver, but I continue to sit. Maybe after 20 minutes I stand up and drink the coffee I have with me.

I move couple of meters into a sunnier place and put all my clothes on me. I can feel how the coldness starts to dissolve little by little. At some point – maybe after 20–25 minutes – I notice the play of lights and shadows in my sight. I also notice the noise coming from an airplane. I feel concentrated. I keep my eyes closed, but I see a small dot in front of me. It changes its color from dark to bright. My mind is contented and empty. When I open my eyes, I feel that I can see all the details around me precisely.

In the end of the session I’m thinking that maybe we can feel contentment only if we visit now and then in the bottom of the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Somehow I start to feel unaddressed anger because of this. There is some kind of thought that we humans do not understand what is good for us. I’m a little bit amazed because of this strong emotion. Why I feel anger? I sit for a while with these feelings. They melt away and I start to feel cold again, so, I decide to stop.

In the woods of Haltiala, 80 minutes, +4ºC/+40ºF
26.3.2014, in the morning

(The weather was great, so, I decided to bike into the woods and meditate for a while.)

The sun is shining and I can feel its warmth on my skin and clothes. I sit for a long while. I hear interesting noises and sounds around me. Birds are singing, a woodpecker is hammering somewhere in the distance. The hum from cars is muted, I can barely hear it because of the wind. Now and then I can detect single a cracks, clinks or rustles. I open my eyes couple of times but don’t see anything special.

Maybe after 30 minutes I stand up and but decide to continue sitting. I notice that the sun is going behind a tree trunk and I promise myself that I’m going to sit that long that I can observe the sensations of the shadow. I’m thinking that maybe after the sun is coming out again, I can feel some kind of special or particular sensation: deep joy or something.

When the sun is behind the tree I feel the coldness of the shadow, but the wind has calmed down, so, the temperature is not that bad. I wait. When the sun is shining into my eyes again, I feel some kind of willingness to surrender. Even this aim to surrender is a bit blurry, this is the word what comes into my mind. My body and the tightness I now notice in my stomach are getting relaxed. It feels good to inhale and exhale. I can see bright light in my eyes and I feel that my mind is clear and calm. I sit there for a while and observe the sensations on my face and body. I’m at peace.

12.–13.3.2014, Temperature between -1ºC and +8ºC (30ºF and 46ºF)

Here are some scattered notes from my first overnight retreat in the woods. The experience was highly inspiring and interesting. Because of the coldness after the sunset I had a shivering and unpleasant night, but I think it was a strong experience. Even the spot was otherwise near human civilization I couldn't escape the weather conditions. I have a strong feeling that these kinds of experiences can change radically the way you think about yourself and the world. I’m just waiting the next opportunity to have a solitary retreat under the open sky.

Excerpts from the diary:
After I find a solid posture I can feel how my body radiates heat inside the sleeping bag. It feels very cosy. I sit. Some thoughts. After a while I feel that my concentration gets better and I can feel my mind state is deepening. My visual scene gets lighter. I see white lightness but the mind state becomes soon fragmented.

I saw three white-tailed deers when I got here. Now and then I look around me to check if there is some animals around me. I notice only a crow flying far away. I seem to have some kind of desire to see wildlife. Maybe I have a desire to be connected with my surroundings, and I have noticed that living creatures enables that sensation to emerge. In the end of the session I silently say to myself: “This is it. I don’t need anything else.” I feel I’m ready for now and I stop the session.

I probably fell into some kind of hypnagogic state at some point. (I had lunch and after that I started to sit again.) I wake up suddenly because I hear an unusual sound. It’s like the sound of a camera shutter. My first thought is that there is someone or something very near me. I open my eyes but I don’t see anything unusual. I’m very alert. My mind tries to resolve the puzzle: what was it? The second explanation is that my camera or phone took accidentally a picture. The sound was like some kind of crash of metal or other hard material. That explanation does not feel reasonable either. I start to think that maybe I was falling asleep and the sound came from a dream. 

I feel very alive. I look around me and notice that this event made me fear a little. I connect this thought to Charlie Fisher’s book, where the idea is that we can see ourselves clearly when we are surrounded by nature with all its lovely and fearful aspects. (After the session I notice that my plastic coffee filter has fallen off the vine I put it hanging, so, the sound came probably from that.)

After I made some tea I sit quite long time. I sit in a new spot. It is hard to find a good posture in this new place, but anyway I just sit. At some point I feel I’m ready to stop, but I just keep going. My mind is cloudy and blurry. Now and then I open my eyes, but there is nothing to see. I change my posture couple of times. Everything seems to be great. I don’t need anything I don’t have here. I don’t think everyday stuff too much.

At some point I hear an owl hooting, or at least I think was an owl. Right after that I'm thinking would there be this kinds of sounds after dark. I notice the sounds of cars and airplanes from the distance. It reminds me that I’m not that far from urban life.

I wander around my camp surroundings and decide to chance the place my camp a little. From the new spot I can see the sunset. I feel that this new spot is better for sleeping. It’s dryer and I can see in all directions. I take some pictures. It’s a nice alternative activity between the sittings.

I start to sit again. In this session I feel how the nature around me makes me alert. If I hear a peculiar sound, even an extremely silent one, I automaticly open my eyes and look around me. This happens many times. It seems that I’m a little bit worried about the night and about sleeping here. I think this is the first time in my life I’m going to spend a night really alone (and without a tent) in the woods.

My mind is getting really creative with different kinds of scenarios including me and wild animals. It feels like I’m preparing myself for some kind of encounter.

At some point a thought comes into my consciousness: would it be possible to deepen my concentration? At the very same moment the mind state alters and I feel I’m falling somewhere. I try to find some kind of focus point but I loose the momentum. After that I start to think different kinds of scenarios and future fantasies.

In the end of the session I feel some kind of doubt: is this enough for now? I feel somehow relaxed and exhausted at the same time, so I decide to stop. 

Almost full moon is shining in the sky. I wonder would there be stars at night. If yes, I will see them very well from this spot. Now I’m going to make some soup and tea.

During the last session the darkness came. I feel the worry which is connected with the unknown of the dark woods. I’m alert and a little bit panicky. Every time I open my eyes the scene is darker. At some point it is difficult to see the figures of the trees anymore. A thought: was it eventually a good idea to come here? Do I survive? What if I get some kind of panic attack? Different kinds of thoughts about wild animals, crazy people and even an UFO abduction! I wonder where this thought came from and I figure out that it came into my mind because the sunset looks quite similar than a typical UFO landing scene in a bad B-movie. The light is coming behind the trees in front of me.

I notice some tightness in my stomach. It feels like there would be a big lump or something. I ask myself: can I relax or surrender for this moment and develop more joyful or fearless mind state? I try not to push myself into anything. After a while a smile comes and I feel ease. Even I’m worried I feel I can manage this. In the end of the session I see how the moon is illuminating the trees nearby. It looks magical.

After a some physical jerks I continue to sit. I wear my specs now and I can see the forest sharply at the moonlight. Maybe because of this I feel more confident than earlier. I packed my stuff for the night, so maybe the confidence has also something to do with it. And a third outer cause can be that that it’s not going to be darker than this. I sit very long time, at least an hour.

In the middle part of the session I can feel confidence with a hint of worry. The worry is like some kind small tone under the confidence which seems to be strong. I start to focus on cars driving by somewhere far away and my senses get stronger and I feel that I’m concentrated. Sound of the wind mixes with the traffic noises.

In the end part of this session my legs and shoulders don’t hurt anymore and I feel easiness and some kind of tranquility. Everything seems clear and I don’t have any doubt should I be here right now. It is funny how much there is traffic: cars and airplanes.

I ate bread and washed my teeth. Small sitting session and then to sleep. A great day.

The night was horrible. I was very cold. First I fell asleep but after a while I woke up. I was freezing. It was very hard to wait the sunrise and the morning. Maybe at six o’clock I woke up again and sat a short session.

In the light of the sunrise all rocks and trees look like old friends. It is incredible how the same place feels so different. Some small animal jumps near me but I can’t see it clearly. It was black and bigger than a rat. Maybe a mink?

I make breakfast and drink a cup of coffee. I thought that I sit once more and then I start to pack my stuff and go home. After the cold night all activities feels equal. Cooking, sitting, eating – everything is just something I do. It’s a peculiar feeling. It feels cloudy and cozy at the same time. It probably has something to do with the lack of sleep and the physical stress of the cold night.

When I’m leaving I watch how a woodpecker flies from tree to tree and make some rattling noises while flying.